The candidate is divested of all wearing apparel, except his shirt and drawers, and if he has not the latter, he is furnished with a pair by the brethren preparing him. Master now takes his seat in the east, and requests candidate to stand before him. A. Approaching the candidate, another replies: "Yes, this is the place; let us remove the rubbish and dig down here. The three craftsmen, having stood by the candidate all this time, listening to the ruffians, whose voices they recognize, say one to another: "What shall we do? 30 WM: As further evidence that all present are Master Masons, receive the pass-word from the Senior SW: (S) Worshipful Master. Remember that you have promised to befriend and relieve every brother, who shall need your assistance; you have promised to remind him, in the most friendly manner, of his errors, and, if possible, to aid him in a reformation. Some say, that many days were expended in the search, and that the lost (body) was found near the seaside; others, that it was soon discovered near Jerusalem. Not even the Bible, the writings of Josephus, nor any other writings, however ancient, of which we have any knowledge, furnish any information respecting his death. W. M.--You will detach your hands and kiss the book. Captain--I should be glad of your company. pdf, Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike [1872] never--no, never dies. The Worshipful Master gives three raps with his gavel, which brings the whole Lodge to their feet. The candidate is not intentionally injured in any Degree of Masonry, impressions of a lasting nature being all that are intended by the ceremonies. King Solomon, being informed of this, supposed him to be indisposed, and ordered strict search to be made for him through the several apartments of the Temple, and due inquiry made; search and inquiry were accordingly made, but he could not be found. We will carry the body a westerly course from the Temple to the brow of the hill west of Mount Moriah, where I have dug a grave due east and west, six feet perpendicular. By there being no designs drawn on the trestle-board. You have a pass from King Solomon, I presume? pdf, Grand Lodge of Nevada Fellowcraft Ritual in --Nothing, Worshipful. generally the W. M. in the east. Thus, brother, we close our lecture on the emblems with the solemn thought of death. Shield and defend us from the evil intentions of our enemies, and support us under the trials and afflictions we are destined to endure, while travelling through this vale of tears. "Further, that I will always aid and assist all poor, distressed, worthy Master Masons, their widows and orphans, knowing them to be such, as far as their necessities may require, and my ability permit, without material injury to myself and family. That is strictly forbidden; so you may set your minds at rest. 112:1 The system of Freemasonry, as practised in different countries and at different periods, is not uniform on this subject; and I feel so little at liberty to bring forward evidence on such a delicate point, that I am afraid it will he impossible to place it clearly before the brethren. --Nothing, Worshipful. --Nothing, Worshipful. K. S. (making grand hailing sign of distress.) The avenues to the Lodge are carefully inspected by the meridian officer, whose knowledge and fidelity have entitled him to the confidence of the brethren, and, after he had publicly proclaimed the security of the Lodge, the business of closing proceeds. Master Mason Requirements | Horseshoes and Handgrenades J. G. W.--Most Worshipful King Solomon, there are at the gate twelve Fellow Crafts, who wish to be admitted: they say they come with important tidings. In a just and lawfully constituted Lodge of Master Mason. time, pushing him backward, brings the candidate's heels against the edge of the canvas, trips him up, and the candidate falls upon his back, caught in the canvas clear of the floor, unharmed, but, in many instances, badly frightened. "Further, that I will not have illegal carnal intercourse with a Master Mason's wife, his mother, sister, or daughter, nor suffer the same to be done by others, if in my power to prevent. Conductor--The pass grip of a Master Mason. Ward PREFACE THE third degree in Freemasonry is termed the Sublime Degree and the title is truly justified. 126:1 Among such a vast concourse of people as were assembled together at the construction of this edifice, it is natural to expect every variety of propensities, both good and evil. W. M.--Your duty there, Brother Senior Deacon? I was then asked by what other right or benefit I expected to gain admission. ii. The Master, who ordered me to the Senior Warden in the West, who taught me how to wear my apron as a Master Mason. What is it that Freemasons memorize? - Quora That Tubal Cain gave first occasion to the name and worship of Vulcan been very probably conceived, both from the very great affinity of the names, and that Tubal Cain is expressly mentioned to be an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron; and as near relation as Apollo had to Vulcan, Jubal had to Tubal Cain, who was the inventor of music, or the father of all such as handle the harp and organ, which the Greeks attribute to Apollo.--Historical Landmarks, vol. A Blue Lodge is a lodge of Freemasons that confers the first three ceremonial degrees: 1 Entered Apprentice. On his last day on earth, it was bright, sunny and warm. Part of the fun of masonry is finding these patterns as you memorize the ritual words.The author touches on this as much as he is able to in the untyled forum of a book available to the public while still maintaining masonic secrets, and there are no spoilers that would make lower degree masons avoid this book. FELLOW CRAFT AND MASTER MASON DEGREE . I will suffer you to pass on to the Senior Warden's station in the west, for his examination. A. 97. Brother Junior Deacon, the last as well as the first care of Masons, when convened? (Secretary reads the minutes, &c., &c.). Ritual Proficiency Certification - The Grand Lodge of Mississippi F Answer--We have murdered our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. The Entered Apprentice Obligation was about 350 words and the Fellow Craft Obligation was only about 250. "3d. Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge', The Degree Rituals of the Northern J. D.--He has it not, but I have it for him. The Master Mason Degree Ritual | Secret Societies Exposed NEW IMPROVED VERSION: in depth 8 part series on the Freemasons called, "The Hiram Abiff Series (Freemasons ritu. S. W.--In order that I might travel in foreign countries, work, and receive Master's wages, being better enabled to support myself and family, and contribute to the relief of worthy distressed Master Masons, their widows and orphans. The ruffians being executed, the brethren all return quietly to the Lodge, when one of them reports, in a loud tone of voice: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, your orders have been duly executed upon the three murderers of Grand Master, Hiram Abiff." 137:1 We are told that when the Temple was nearly finished, it was customary at the hour of H. (high) XII., when the men were called from labor to refreshment, for H. A. All eyes are upon the Master. It is, in fact, not a word, but merely a jumble of letters, forming a sound without meaning." For them, learning the Masonic work happens fast like the below scene from the Matrix. What are the working tools of a Master Mason? The drawers are rolled up just above the candidate's knees, and both arms are taken out of his shirt-sleeves, leaving his legs and breast bare. It was his usual practice at that hour, while the craft were called from labor to refreshment, to enter into the unfinished "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies," of the Temple, and there offer up his adorations to the Deity, and draw his designs on the trestle-board. B. it was I that struck him harder than you both; it was I that gave him the fatal blow; it was I that killed him.' Treasurer--(See opening ceremony, p. Conductor here takes off the hoodwink and removes the cable-tow, and all around the altar place their hands in the position of the duegard of a Master Mason. Whence I came, and wither I was traveling. J. W.--Brother Senior Deacon, is he worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared? W. M.--Since that is the object of your search, you will reconduct this candidate to the Senior Warden in the west, with my orders that he be taught to approach the east, the place of further light in Masonry, by three upright, regular steps, his body erect at the altar before the Worshipful Master in the east. W. M.--Brother Gabe, as you are clothed as a Master Mason,1 it is necessary that you should have the working-tools or a Master Mason. K. S.--Arise, you twelve Fellow Crafts, divide yourselves into parties and travel--three east, three north, three south, and three west--with others whom I shall appoint, in search of the ruffians. 17, 18), which is responded to by the Master, after which the conductor and candidate pass out of the Lodge. Here are seven things you may not know about Freemasons. Conductor--Cain. In a way, the Masonic ritual represents the rebirth of man. 'The five points of fellowship are--foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, and cheek to cheek, or mouth to ear. W. M.--You will attend to the alarm, and ascertain the cause. Masonic Lodge Officer Duties and Responsibilities Second Ruffian, Jubelo, generally the S. W. in the west. One system says fifteen Fellow Crafts went in search; another, twelve; and asserts that the three (murderers) left the sprig of acacia: others affirm that it was the recanters who placed it there as a mark. You have a rough and rugged road to travel, beset with thieves, robbers, and murderers; and should you lose your life in the attempt, it will not be the first instance of the kind, my brother. After the signs are gone through with by the whole Lodge, the Master gives one rap with his gavel, which is responded to by the Senior Warden, and then by the Junior Warden, and then again by the Master, one rap. "The pillar of Wisdom represents Solomon, King of Israel, whose wisdom contrived the mighty fabric; the pillar of Strength, Hiram, king of Tyre, who strengthened Solomon in his grand undertaking; the pillar of Beauty, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, whose cunning craft and curious workmanship beautified and adorned the Temple. The Pot of Incense, the Beehive. Her tomb was in the rubbish and filth cast forth from the Temple, and acacia waved its branches over her monument. Memory Work. Five; two Masters and three Fellow Crafts. But few Masons take sufficient interest in Masonry to be advanced further, and consequently do not get the password which was lost by the tragical death of Hiram Abiff. finishing with a few other names; when he leaves the brethren in the ante-room, closes the door, and reports as follows to King Solomon: G. All the brethren take their seats but the Master and candidate, when the Master continues: "Brother Gabe, you will now repair to the east, and receive an historical account of this degree.". Rite of Freemasonry Exaltation Ritual, Order that my body had been severed in two, my bowels taken from thence," &c., &c. (See p. $399.00. The Rough Ashlar is the stone taken from the quarry in its rude and natural state The Perfect Ashlar is the stone prepared by the workmen, to be adjusted by the working tools . On being brought to more light, what did you first discover more than you had heretofore done? The Lodge is closed in nearly the same manner that it is opened, and, in fact, all three of the Degrees are closed alike. (See Fig. Having my curiosity aroused, I examined it, and found it to be a grave.". p. 127 It testifies our faith in the resurrection of the body, and while it inculcates a practical lesson of prudence and unshrinking fidelity, it inspires the most cheering hone of that final reward which belongs alone to "just made perfect."--Lexicon. Now, as in p. 138 the former case, this arrangement would be impossible before the pillars were erected or the Middle Chamber built: and if it he pretended that any such plan was adopted after they were finished, the tragic drama could not be true because it professes to have been enacted before the Temple was completed. Duncan's Masoic Ritual and Monitor, by Malcom C. Duncan, [1866], at PDF The Obligation Of An Entered Apprentice Mason W. M.--Why in the south, and your duty there, Brother Junior? and inculcated by Robert Morris,1 is generally accepted as the "Work" of ancient origin, and there is not much doubt but that it will be adopted by the Grand Lodges throughout the United States. right hand in token of friendship and brotherly love, and invested me with the grip and word, ordered. On receiving this order, the Junior Warden takes from his desk a small wooden column, about eighteen inches in length, and sets it in an upright position at his right hand, and at the same time he gives three raps () with the gavel, and says: J. W.--Brethren, you are accordingly at refreshment. 1, The "work," or rather the lectures in the several degrees of Masonry, more especially in the first three degrees (masonically termed the Blue Degrees, or Blue Lodge), differ so much in each State that it would be a difficult thing to get exactly at the proper responses to some of the Masonic interrogatories. Masonic symbolism is that which is used to illustrate the principles which Freemasonry espouses. 87:1 Our present Third Degree is not architectural, but traditionary, historical, and legendary; its traditions being unfortunately hyperbolical; its history apocryphal, and its legends fabulous.--The Freemason's Treasury, p. 222. Masonic ritual is the scripted words and actions that are spoken or performed during the degree work in a Masonic lodge. His business is to teach the subordinate Lodges the Ritual of Freemasonry, and he is paid generally by salary, or so much from each Lodge before whom he may lecture. W. M. (two raps, all the officers rise to their feet.) . ii. (Mirror Site), Illustrations of Masonry, by Capt. They travelled as before, and, after many days of hardships and toil, on their return one of the brethren, more weary than the rest, sat down on the brow of a hill to rest and refresh himself, and on attempting to rise, accidentally caught hold of an acacia, which easily giving way, aroused his curiosity; upon which he hailed his companions, and on examination found it to be a grave. 7, p. The Senior Deacon steps to the altar, takes the compasses, repairs to the door, opens it, and says: S. D.--Let him enter, and be received in due form. i. W. M.--Have you any thing to offer, Brother Junior Warden? When the candidate is fully dressed, the door is unceremoniously thrown open, and he, in company with others, is permitted to enter the Lodge. WM: *. Wait until the Temple is completed, and then, if you are found worthy and well qualified, you will unquestionably receive the secrets of a Master Mason; but, until then, you cannot. He ordered me to be returned to the Senior Warden in the west, who taught me to approach the east by three upright regular steps, my feet forming the angle of a perfect square, my body erect at the altar, before the Worshipful Master in the east. The pillar of Wisdom represented Solomon, king of Israel, whose wisdom contrived the mighty fabric; the pillar of strength, Hiram, king of Tyre, who strengthened Solomon in his grand undertaking; the pillar of Beauty, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, whose cunning craft and curious workmanship beautified and adorned the Temple. Seven; one Master and six Entered Apprentices. Ruffian--What horrid deed is this we have done? (See Note Q, Appendix.). ", "Oh! The Degrees of Masonry represent a man's journey through life. The following is the representation of the Master giving candidate the grand Masonic word, or at least this is a substitute, for, ac-cording to Masonic tradition, the right one was lost at the death of Hiram Abiff. The Junior Deacon advances, followed by the Stewards, with rods, when the Senior Deacon stops them, by placing his hand against the candidate, at the same time saying: S. D.--Brother Gabe, on entering this Lodge the first time, you were received on the point of the compasses, pressing your naked left breast, the moral of which was explained to you. The lecture is as follows: Q. (left to right: Worshipful Master Altar, Candidate. (Moving off, one says:). --Grand Master Hiram, I am glad to meet you thus alone. Jubelum!!!" that my breast had been torn open." Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, having finished his usual exercises, attempted to retire by the south gate, when he was accosted by Jubela, who thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason, or the Master's word, and, on his being refused, gave him a blow with the twenty-four-inch gauge across his throat, upon which he fled and attempted to pass out at the west gate, where he was accosted by Jubelo, who, in like manner, demanded of him the secrets of a blaster Mason, or the Master's word, and, on his being refused, gave him a blow with the square across his breast, upon which he fled, and attempted to make his escape out at the east gate, where he was accosted by Jubelum, who, in like manner, thrice demanded the secrets of a Master Mason, or the Master's word, and, on his like refusal, gave him a violent blow with the setting-maul on his forehead, which felled him dead on the spot. this work, would not be out of place, as it will account to the reader for the difference existing between Masonic "works" in the several States, and in Europe: "In the year 1817, Brother John Barney, formerly of Charlotte, Vermont, went to Boston, and obtained possession of the Preston Lectures, taught there by Gleason, and approved by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. I furthermore promise and swear that I will not cheat, wrong or defraud a Lodge of Fellow Craft, or a brother of this degree knowingly or wittingly. The York Masons name the seaside; the Americans say, Mount Moriah; the French, Monet Lebanon. As they approach the west, the Senior Warden steps out as did the Junior Warden, facing the candidate, and, clinching him by the collar more roughly than the Junior Warden, exclaiming as follows: S. W. (Second Ruffian.) John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal any of the secrets, arts, parts, point or points, of the Master Masons' Degree, to any person or persons whomsoever, except it be to a true and lawful brother of this Degree, or in a regularly constituted Lodge of Master Masons, nor unto him, or them, until by strict trial, due examination, or lawful information, I shall have found him, or them, as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. A. To attain the 32nd degree, for example, a Freemason must have been a Master Mason for at least 14 years, have been elected Master of the Lodge, and have satisfactorily served the Supreme Council. Brother Gabe, permit me to call your attention to the last emblem on the carpet--the spade, setting-maul, coffin, grave, and sprig of acacia. "Here another guest we bring. He was surrounded by his family who made beautiful music just for him and prayed that he would be at peace after eight and a half months of . There is a great degree of uniformity in Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin--also in Indiana and Iowa. About this time a party arrived with the ruffians, and related that while sitting down to rest and refresh themselves, they heard the following horrid exclamations from the clefts of an adjacent rock. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you will please approach the east. The brethren commence, in loud voices to inquire of one another: Have you seen any thing of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff? Upon which we rushed in, seized and bound the ruffians, and now have them before your majesty.". The Jewish law had degenerated into a mass of rottenness and corruption:--piety, which planned the Temple at Jerusalem, was expunged; the reverence and adoration due to the Divinity was buried in the filth and rubbish of the world; and religion and morality were scattered to the four winds of heaven. This is the due-guard, and alludes to the position of your hands while taking the Obligation; this is the sign, and alludes to the penalty of the Obligation. ii. Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor: Master Mason, or Third Degree MASTER GIVING THE GRAND MASONIC WORD ON THE FIVE POINTS OF FELLOWSHIP. The three Symbolic Lodge degreesespecially for the Entered Apprentice and the Master Masonwere particularly considered to be individual and deeply personal experiences. After the candidate is conducted to the east, before the Master, the conductor takes his position behind the candidate, with a hoodwink either in his hand or secreted in his pocket. 146:1 "In the performance of a ceremony so solemn and momentous as the closing of a Mason's Lodge, every member has a lively interest. --Advance the token. towards the Master), and says: Brother, you will step off with your left foot one full step, and bring the heel of your right in the hollow of your left foot; now step off with your right foot, and bring the heel of your left in the hollow of your right foot; now step off with your left foot, and bring both heels together. Brother Junior Deacon (turning to that officer), you will inform the Tyler. Jewels, Chains, Collars & What topics are covered in Masonic Lectures? - Amid its concerns and temptations, forget not the duties you have heard so frequently inculcated and so forcibly recommended in this Lodge. Master Mason Handbook. oftheStateofMaine!!!! On the flap is delineated an eye, and on the area selections from the Master's carpet. (Pronounced by conductor--Tubal Cain.). "1st. Part 1. trial, strict examination, or lawful Masonic. (makes the sign, see Fig. W. M.--Brethren, the minutes will stand approved, if there are no objections. It is very singular, that, a man so celebrated as Hiram Abiff was, universally acknowledged as the third most distinguished man then living, and, in many respects, the greatest man in the world, should pass from off the stage of action, in the presence of King Solomon, three thousand three hundred grand overseers, and one hundred and fifty thousand workmen, with whom he had spent a number of years, and with King Solomon, his bosom friend, without any of his numerous confrres even recording his death, or any thing, A Master Masons' Lodge is styled by the Craft the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, of King Solomon's Temple," and when the Lodge is opened on this Degree, both points of the compasses are elevated above the square. Fellowcraft Handbook. --I have none, Worshipful. King Solomon then ordered the twelve Fellow Crafts to go in search of the body, and, if found, to observe whether the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, was on or about it. King Solomon is said to have substituted, in place of the lost one, the word now used in the Master Masons' Degree, viz. Let me admonish you, in the most serious manner, in reference to the close of life, that, when the cold winter of death shall have passed, and the bright summer morn of the resurrection appears, the Sun of Righteousness shall descend and send forth His angels to collect our ransomed dead; then, if we are found worthy, by the benefit of his "pass" we shall gain a ready admission into that celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides, where we shall see the King In the beauty of holiness, and with him enter into an endless eternity.
Forrest County Jail Docket, Articles M