1926.13 - Interpretation of statutory terms. They shall not be placed in a location where they would be subject to open flame, hot metal, or other sources of artificial heat. 1926.97 - Electrical protective equipment. Definition. 1926.353 - Ventilation and protection in welding, cutting, and heating. 1926 Subpart C - General Safety and Health Provisions. PDF HOT WORK PERMIT - Iowa State University 1926 Subpart R App F - Perimeter Columns: Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying with 1926.756(e) To Protect the Unprotected Side or Edge of a Walking/Working Surface. Unless cylinders are firmly secured on a special carrier intended for this purpose, regulators shall be removed and valve protection caps put in place before cylinders are moved. Structures or pipelines acting continuously as ground return circuits shall have joints bonded and maintained to ensure that no electrolysis or fire hazard exists. 1926.1406 - Assembly/Disassemblyemployer procedures--general requirements. 1926.1441 - Equipment with a rated hoisting/ lifting capacity of 2,000 pounds or less. Warm, not boiling, water shall be used to thaw cylinders loose. 0000028894 00000 n Exposed metal parts shall be insulated. the required city permits, when necessary, for such work. CFR Toolbox Law about. 1926.1107 - 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine (and its salts). 2. 1926 Subpart S App A - Decompression Tables. Hot work shall not be performed in a confined space until a designated person has tested the atmosphere and determined that it is not hazardous. PDF Hot work procedures - Ohio Welding, cutting or heating of toxic metals. How and when to acquire a hot work permit and who can supervise them. 1926.1205 (b) Before entry begins, the entry supervisor identified on the permit must sign the entry permit to authorize entry. 0000036037 00000 n 1926.350 Gas Welding and Cutting 1926.350 (a) Transporting, Moving, and Storing Compressed Gas Cylinders 1926.350 (a) (1) Valve protection caps shall be in place and secured. Unless a host employer or controlling contractor has or will have employees in a confined space, it is not required to enter any confined space to collect the information specified in this paragraph (h). The area supervisor is responsible. If a leak should develop at a fuse plug or other safety device, the cylinder shall be removed from the work area. Torches shall be inspected before each use for leaking shut-off valves, hose couplings and tip connections. Ask how long hot work permits are valid. They shall not be hoisted or transported by means of magnets or choker slings. Nomenclature changes to part 1926 appear at 84 FR 21597, May 14, 2019. The certification must be made before entry and must be made available to each employee entering the space or to that employee's authorized representative. 4. A hot work permit is a legal requirement in certain areas or job sites that gives workers or contractors the authorization to proceed with hot work activities. Welding Hazards burns & fire impact penetration Cylinders containing oxygen or acetylene or other fuel gas shall not be taken into confined spaces. The California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 8, section 341 and section 341.1 require employers to obtain Project Permits and Annual Permits from Cal/OSHA before conducting certain construction activities. Entry into the permit space under the terms of paragraph (e)(1) of this section is performed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (e)(2) of this section. Fuel gas and oxygen manifolds shall bear the name of the substance they contain in letters at least 1-inch high which shall be either painted on the manifold or on a sign permanently attached to it. NFPA - Hot Work Safety Program When electrode holders are left unattended, electrodes shall be removed and holders placed to prevent employee injury. Hose subjected to flashback or showing evidence of severe wear or damage shall be tested to twice the normal working pressure but not less than 200 p.s.i. Permit space entry is performed at the same time that any activities that could foreseeably result in a hazard in the permit space are performed. 1926 Subpart G - Signs, Signals, and Barricades. Safety Brief - Hot Work Permits | Environmental Health and Safety Bulk sulphur is excluded from this prohibition if suitable precautions are followed, the person in charge is knowledgeable and the person performing the work has been instructed in preventing and extinguishing sulphur fires. Additional rules. 1926.962 - Grounding for the protection of employees. Fill in the necessary boxes that are colored in yellow. Ventilation requirements depend on the metals and compounds used. Preservative coatings shall be considered highly flammable when scrapings burn with extreme rapidity. 0000054814 00000 n Near any area in which exposed readily ignitable materials such as bulk sulphur, baled paper or cotton are stored. 1926.350 (a) (1) Valve protection caps shall be in place and secured. 1926.200 - Accident prevention signs and tags. H\n0z Electrodes shall not be struck against a cylinder to strike an arc. 1926.955 - Portable ladders and platforms. Means of detecting an increase in atmospheric hazard levels in the event the ventilation system stops working; Each person, by name, currently serving as an attendant; The individual, by name, currently serving as entry supervisor, and the signature or initials of each entry supervisor who authorizes entry; The hazards of the permit space to be entered; The measures used to isolate the permit space and to eliminate or control permit space hazards before entry; When welding, cutting, or heating is performed on walls, floors, and ceilings, since direct penetration of sparks or heat transfer may introduce a fire hazard to an adjacent area, the same precautions shall be taken on the opposite side as are taken on the side on which the welding is being performed. A Hot Work . In confined or enclosed spaces, hot work involving the following metals shall only be performed with local exhaust ventilation meeting the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of this section or by employees wearing supplied air respirators in accordance with 1910.134; Zinc-bearing base or filler metals or metals coated with zinc-bearing materials; Metals containing lead other than as an impurity, or coated with lead-bearing materials; Cadmium-bearing or cadmium-coated base metals; and. Appropriate precaution shall be taken to prevent ignition of highly flammable hardened preservative coatings. Hose shall be inspected before use. 1926.405 - Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use. Cylinders shall be placed where they cannot become part of an electrical circuit. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.252 required fire prevention actions for welding/hot works. 0000052058 00000 n 1926 Subpart O - Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and Marine Operations. It serves as proof that the workers and others involved in the hot work are aware of the hazards of hot work and have implemented safety precautions to mitigate the hazards of the job. Oxygen cylinders in storage shall be separated from fuel-gas cylinders or combustible materials (especially oil or grease), a minimum distance of 20 feet (6.1 m) or by a noncombustible barrier at least 5 feet (1.5 m) high having a fire-resistance rating of at least one-half hour. 0000052089 00000 n Input power terminals, top change devices and live metal parts connected to imput circuits shall be enclosed and accessible only by means of insulated tools. 1926 - Home | Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1926.107 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.1050 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.251 - Rigging equipment for material handling. The basic precautions for fire prevention in welding or cutting work are: 1910.252 (a) (1) (i) Fire hazards. 0000033273 00000 n Gas hose storage boxes shall be ventilated. Boxes used for the storage of gas hose shall be ventilated. The in-plant handling, storage, and utilization of all compressed gases in cylinders, portable tanks, rail tankcars, or motor vehicle cargo tanks shall be in accordance with Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1-1965. Cable lugs, where used as connectors, shall provide electrical contact. Local exhaust ventilation shall consist of movable hoods positioned close to the work and shall be of such capacity and arrangement as to keep breathing zone concentrations below hazardous levels. H\0vFBHdGa} NicCyri]]malq~6!{9Ui^vvr]||f=mq{w|6>MiL*Wo0?^t_2W4Mmc.>}Sd>W6fN. 0000210649 00000 n 1926 Subpart L App C - List of National Consensus Standards. No one shall use a cylinder's contents for purposes other than those intended by the supplier. This section applies to all hot work operations, except as provided in subsections (a) (1) and (a) (2). 1926.350 (a) (2) When cylinders are hoisted, they shall be secured on a cradle, slingboard, or pallet. H\n0z 1926.965 - Underground electrical installations. Cylinders, whether full or empty, shall not be used as rollers or supports. Torches shall be lighted by friction lighters or other approved devices, and not by matches or from hot work. The employer must verify that the space is safe for entry and that the preentry measures required by paragraph (e)(2) of this section have been taken, through a written certification that contains the date, the location of the space, and the signature of the person providing the certification. Where practicable all combustibles shall be relocated at least 35 feet from the work site. ___ Smoke detectors in the area of hot work have been covered to prevent false alarms. 1926.352 - Fire prevention. - Occupational Safety and Health Administration Torches shall not be lighted from matches, cigarette lighters, other flames or hot work. 67 66 In accordance with OSHA standards, contractors are required to apply for these permits through the company's permit-authorizing individual (PAI). The employer must ensure a safe method of entering and exiting the space. 0000003523 00000 n Before an employee enters the space, the internal atmosphere must be tested, with a calibrated direct-reading instrument, for oxygen content, for flammable gases and vapors, and for potential toxic air contaminants, in that order. 1926.902 - Surface transportation of explosives. 1926 Subpart L App E - Drawings and Illustrations. hot work. Before entry operations begin, the controlling contractor must: Obtain the host employer's information about the permit space hazards and previous entry operations; and. The atmosphere within the space must be continuously monitored unless the entry employer can demonstrate that equipment for continuous monitoring is not commercially available or periodic monitoring is sufficient. lou paris hiring Chef De Partie in Paris, le-de-France, France | LinkedIn Any precautions that the host employer or any previous controlling contractor or entry employer implemented for the protection of employees in the permit space. Torches with such defects shall not be used. $ B1!EFs)60rp(|^PA@F 3:$ |#a "P5?i&&(0D [Ch-K {;WL+Ss]rf|~ English 02/23/2023. Oxygen and fuel gas pressure regulators, including their related gauges, shall be in proper working order while in use. 1926.1428 - Signal person qualifications. Hot work in confined spaces. Understanding OSHA Hot Work Standards - Arc Machines "Hot work" means riveting, welding, flame cutting or other fire or spark-producing operation. Arc welding and cutting cables shall be insulated, flexible and capable of handling the maximum current required by the operations, taking into account the duty cycles. Oxygen and fuel gas hoses shall not be interchangeable. Shall have valve protection caps in place except when in use, hooked up or secured for movement. Mechanical ventilation requirements. Areas can be protected with the use of welding pads, blankets, or curtains, clearing combustibles from a 35-ft (11-m) radius space around the hot work, or moving the hot work to an area free of combustibles. If it is necessary to enter the permit space to eliminate or isolate hazards, such entry must be performed under 1926.1204 through 1926.1211. A space classified by an employer as a permit-required confined space may only be reclassified as a non-permit confined space when a competent person determines that all of the applicable requirements in paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) of this section have been met: If the permit space poses no actual or potential atmospheric hazards and if all hazards within the space are eliminated or isolated without entry into the space (unless the employer can demonstrate that doing so without entry is infeasible), the permit space may be reclassified as a non-permit confined space for as long as the non-atmospheric hazards remain eliminated or isolated; The entry employer must eliminate or isolate the hazards without entering the space, unless it can demonstrate that this is infeasible. Know OSHA's Document Creation, Retention Requirements - SHRM Insert the date. Any employee exposed to the same atmosphere as the welder or burner shall be protected by the same type of respiratory and other protective equipment as that worn by the welder or burner. This requirement may be met by inserting a reference on the entry permit as to the means used, such as a roster or tracking system, to keep track of the authorized entrants within the permit space. 1926.1153 - Respirable crystalline silica. 1926.104 - Safety belts, lifelines, and lanyards. Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. 1926.441 - Batteries and battery charging. 29 CFR 1910.146 Permit Required - Confined Spaces; 29 CFR 1926.1206 Confined Spaces in Construction Oil shall not be used to lubricate caps; Shall be hoisted only while secured, as on a cradle or pallet, and shall not be hoisted by magnet, choker sling or cylinder caps; Shall be moved only by tilting or rolling on their bottom edges; Shall have valves closed when cylinders are empty, being moved or stored; Shall be secured upright except when hoisted or carried; Shall not be freed when frozen by prying the valves or caps with bars or by hitting the valve with a tool; Shall not be exposed to sparks, hot slag, or flame; Shall not be permitted to become part of electrical circuits or have electrodes struck against them to strike arcs; Shall not be used as rollers or supports; Shall not have contents used for purposes not authorized by the supplier; Shall not be used if damaged or defective; Shall not have gases mixed within, except by gas suppliers; Shall be stored so that oxygen cylinders are separated from fuel gas cylinders and combustible materials by either a minimum distance of 20 feet (6.1 m) or a barrier having a fire-resistance rating of 30 minutes; and. Hose connections shall be clamped or securely fastened to withstand twice the normal working pressure but not less than 300 p.s.i. Filter lenses shall have an appropriate shade number, as indicated in Table G-1, for the work performed. Arc welding or cutting equipment having a functional defect shall not be used. Chemical storage guidelines, flammables. It may act as a source of ignition (fire) in the area where flammable material is placed or handled. 1926.502 - Fall protection systems criteria and practices. Torch tip openings shall only be cleaned with devices designed for that purpose. In the case of manifolded or coupled cylinders, at least one such wrench shall always be available for immediate use. Who Issues the Permit? Fuel gas shall not be used from cylinders through torches or other devices which are equipped with shutoff valves without reducing the pressure through a suitable regulator attached to the cylinder valve or manifold. Articles from Wex Table of Popular Names Parallel Table of Authorities Getting a hot work permit before performing hot work is just one of steps involved in a hot work . Get Form. 0000066083 00000 n Oxygen cylinders and fittings shall be kept away from oil or grease. 1926.650 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926 Subpart U - Blasting and the Use of Explosives. 1926.2 - Variances from safety and health standards. What You Need to Know About Safe Work Permits - EHS Insight 1917.152 - Welding, cutting and heating (hot work) [12] (See also Such personnel shall be instructed as to the specific anticipated fire hazards and how the firefighting equipment provided is to be used. 0000013465 00000 n PDF HOT WORK SAFETY GUIDE - Ehs.gmu.edu All cylinders used shall meet the Department of Transportation requirements published in 49 CFR part 178, subpart C, Specification for Cylinders.
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