Ty later tells her that she can catch up with Caleb if she wants, inadvertently making her feel bad for spending time with Caleb when he left for 4 months and didn't call, she goes off ahead. In Graduation, Amy gets into a university on a full scholarship but doesn't know what to do. Back inside, Ty asks Amy if she's ok and she tells him she's letting the place get to her. Ty's heater and water pipe in the trailer break so he temporarily moves back into the loft. They have no signal so they can't call the police, they come up with a plan to get to their trucks without being seen. Ty spots a horse nearby that he likes the look of, he goes to check him out. He tries to wake him shaking him and crying, not wanting to be left alone. Amy and Ty worry about the effect a surprise visitor, Luke's mother, will have on Luke. I think it will never work with anyone else until they both realise they were made for each other! The next day, Ty goes to see Lily at the cabin and finds her packing in a hurry, he gets upset that she was going to leave early and not tell him claiming she hasn't changed. The lights suddenly go out and Ty goes to check the breaker box, when he hears a noise from the loft. Ty and Jack go to help Caleb when he crashes his truck into a ditch. Jack gives Ty a letter that's arrived for Ty. They arrive and hike into the woods to find a spot to camp with Tim and Peter, Ty pauses before going into the woods but quickly follows Jack when he realises he stopped. Ty gets better, but the hospital, despite specialists confirming he is fine, won't let him go. In the morning, Ty checks in on his mum sleeping before heading into Amy's room. When they arrive, they drive with Jane to the spot on the hilltop where she saw the injured wild horse. They put it out but there's no sign of the kids until they steal his truck. After Jack insists Ty goes fishing with him, Ty prepares to leave feeling he couldn't say no, being waved off by the girls. Jack then kicks Wade off the property. Amy's happy for him and admits that she'd getting nervous about the pressure of winning the Fall Finale. Amy checks that Ty wasn't delirious when he said he loves her and they both confirm their love for each other and kiss. During a clinic, Chase Powers kisses Amy. And Tim even gave him a nickname Golden Boy. While Amy goes to round them up, he goes to tell off Badger who grabs a nearby hook and starts swinging at him. Lou was trying to stop their arguing. For his probation, he was sent to Heartland to work. She asks him what's going on and he gets angry saying that he's not an expert because he had a problem when he was younger. When the Hanley's took over they re-built the barn on the exact spot the old one stood, and it's now haunted by the stable hand, he wears a long black coat and when his hood is removed his face is burned off. Ty blames him and says it's the same as he did when he was younger, leaving him to get beaten up by Wade. He takes his time and places it down, when he looks up he see's a wolf that watches him before running back into the woods. Making Amends Jesse StantonGrantChase PowersAhmed Al SaeedJeremy Hughes Ty starts to open up to Jack after he showed his aggressive side by trying to stick up for innocent people. When Mallory starts to stick her nose in about his love life now he's split up with Kit, he deflects by telling her to focus on her own love life since Jake is coming by. Ty picks him up at brings him to Heartland, he causes concern when he starts to become confused and thinks Amy is his daughter Ruth. Ty supports Amy and tries to help her get back to show jumping. Ty is furious with Ashley when Val fires him for being a criminal because she told him it was sorted. While in cardiac arrest, he dreams of his father discouraging him about fatherhood, but Ty promises to be a good father. The innocent getting hurtSharing the Loft that's been injured, he intends on dropping Ty off before flying over there. Dislikes Amy returns from school and asks where Pegasus is and Ty tells her that Mindy and Caleb took him on a ride. He tells Amy that he's been talking to Scott who said he can intern/apprentice with him, she asks about them and he tells her it's up to her. Amy finds Ty in the Loft watching Tara and Badger, she asks him why he never told her about his stepdad and he admits he's never told anyone. She kisses him. The next morning, Amy's working with Daisy, watched by Ty and Victor. So, thats what the guy did. Ty is heartbroken but tries to be there for her still. As she goes to maintain the fire he watches her end early and tells her that she's beautiful. Scott later backs up Ty, saying he'd have done the same thing. He's trying to impress Jack and hears another cow just off by a river, but he falls and his horse bolts. Ty checks Money's stats online and is surprised by what he finds. She was so happy and in control of her surroundings. He talks him down and manages to get him to put the gun down. Ty and Lily are in the Loft, Amy comes up but he dismisses her, Lily tells him they haven't talked in months but may have mentioned Heartland. He tells Amy that he's not happy she has been talking to Mindy about them, and tries to warn Amy of her. Ty later finds Amy reading her mum's journals, he tells her things are better with Lily but still weird. Caleb dismissed them and Ty starts to get frustrated at him underestimating her. He watches her practice and runs over when she gets thrown off. Ty finishes up at Maggie's and Brad is determined to stay and order a drink with Ty. Caleb and Ty watch Amy with Diva, Caleb suggests turning her out so she can enjoy being a horse. Amy confesses Kit told her about university and he tells her that it was easy to tell her as nothing changes but he's going to miss not working and seeing Amy everyday. Georgie: Just go with it.. When Caleb arrives, Amy makes herself scarce, he goes to talk to Ty and punches him for hurting Kit. Amy tries to mediate between Ty and his mother, who arrive to visit her granddaughter, Lyndy. Ty takes Amy to the brand new jumping course he built for her so she wouldn't have to trailer Spartan, however he's unnerved when Clint Riley drives past them on his way into Heartland. When Ty's asleep in the loft, he wakes to the sound of a truck starting and driving away. Both having different partners, they remain friends but still have a connection that is unspoken but clear to see. She even admitted to him that she was in love with him. Caleb later goes to Ty, when Amy's not around, and tells him he believes they should let Ghost go. Fall in love all over again with our favorite 'Heartland' episodes Thursdays at 9 and 10 PM ET on UPtv! Their relationship continues to go really well until she finds out Blair kissed Ty and he didn't tell her, causing them to breakup (Mood Swings). Amy opened her eyes and looked at Ty. (The Reckoning), When Amy and Ty notice Daisy sweating, they call Scott to check her out. Ty tells Jack and Lou that he bought Amy a colt to help take her mind off Spartan, Jack tells him that he knows his heart was in the right place but can't just replace him, she needs time. Sound off in the comments below. He convinces Jack to go with him to see it as the can both fix it up together. He goes to meet up with Scott at Maggie's and is finally able to talk to hi about the accident, Scott also admitting that he also has dreams every night. Ty starts to get freaked out by the wild animal noises when Tim appears with their horse. He also tries to help her when he learns that her dad is nearby. He and Amy finally talk and she tells him that she's worried after the crash of losing him and he reassures her that he's not going anywhere. Amy tells him that Spartan is scared after he was taken in the middle of the night with him asleep upstairs, being blamed he walks away. In the first episode Ty is found arriving at heartland having been hired by Marion. So, by the end of the episode, Georgie and Quinn were more solid than ever. Joking, she asks even if she flaunted his baby pictures. Chris Potter does a great job of portraying Tim, my favorite jackass. Jack comes back and finds him and they set up a camp in the woods. Starring: Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Graham Wardle Creators: Lauren Brooke Watch all you want. Amy tells him that she's heard nothing from him but Ashley has. Lou tells him that they have a great relationship and he won't ruin it for her. They both decide to wait. He sneaks off unseen. Ty slowly starts to come around before being consumed with worry for Scott. Ty and Amy finally kiss after the Fall Finale but Ty soon leaves, without talking to Amy, to find his dad. Ty punctures his tires to stop him from leaving, Wes becomes angry and says he'll pick up Spartan later. He eventually tells her that it happened quickly but when he woke up he thought he was on a beach. She goes inside and Ty see's Ghost in the pen, they share an instant connection as Amy watches from her bedroom window. Alisha Newton gave such a stunning performance that truly made me feel everything Georgie was feeling at that moment. After mulling it over, he decides to tell Amy about it, only to find that Georgie had accidentally slipped the secret. After their break up, Ty and Kit remain friends, sometimes to the annoyance of Amy. On top of that, Peter was back in town, too. When it comes to season finales, Heartland really knows what its doing because this one was intense. Jack convinces him that if he came to see him he should help him. Leaving Amy heartbroken. Amy, later, asks to see Ty's suit but he tells her not now as he needs to go out. He tells her about how Brad's convinced he's changed but he hasn't. From that moment on, they are officially a couple. He starts struggling with his horse, Betty, and Amy circles back to help him out. He also asks about their injuries which they blame on the cows. Ty supports Amy through the memorial for Marion, they find a spot and watch as Victor burns sweet grass to mark the spot as sacred. Ty's sitting in front of the fire and Jack goes to talk to him, he reminds him what he said before about getting near his granddaughters and reminds him not to kiss and run this time. (The Happy List). Mallory arrives the next morning in shock, she asks if they know how it happened and Ty leads her into the barn. He tells her they will still get married no matter what and her sight eventually returns. When they get to the round-up Ty recognizes the trail boss, Tim, from the open house. In episode 6 we saw Mitch decide to start his own cattle business after Jack refused to expand their operation. Ty then drives her there and onto the stage on his motorcycle so she can get her diploma. Lily, Ty's mother, hasn't been a part of his live much after Wade's behaviour and dangerous living situation gets him taken away. When he finally starts to warm to him, after spending a nice day together, Brad ruins it by stealing $2,000 and disappearing in the night. And, since the truck sounded oddly similar to the truck that Lou saw J. D. Werth walk up to after their conversation, Lou called in a tip and the guy was caught. Ty and Amy bring the wild horses back to Heartland to check out. He tells her that he'll do the rest of the feeding, as he's already there, and will make sure the door's closed. (Step By Step), Amy finds Ty and they kiss before Amy runs off as to not be late for school. The next day, Amy and Ty prepare to go when Jack tells them that after talking to Scott agrees they should go up there. Harley And since most of the injured animals were found around Gibson Creek aka Werths new development Lou quickly put two and two together. When he puts Pegasus in with the infected horse, as they've already spent time together, Tim blames him when he too becomes ill. When Amy puts the horse back in the barn she finds Ty asleep, she gently tries to wake him up which terrifies him and he grabs her up against the wall stunning them both. Well, in this episode Jack was finally reconsidering. Born: 1990Died: November 24th 2019 (14x01 Keep Me In Your Heart) That is exactly my thoughts they were endgame! After, Amy and Ty make up after their disagreements on Kit and kiss. they manage to get free to see Tim getting shot by protecting Amy. So, thank you for being here with me today and for helping me to realize that this is not only what I want to do but I have to do., Tim: Well, look who it is. But only on season 10 episode 10 Lou and Peter actually sign divorce papers. Mindy overhears and is convinced that they like each other. That night, Ty has another nightmare about the wolf, he wakes finding the wolf staring at him in his tent only to be woken up properly by Jack coming in to get him out to fish. After Ty helps Amy get Spartan back he confesses that he'd do anything for her. Kit's happy they have free time now and suggests they do something together, Ty instead tells her he wants to work with Harley some more, Kit tags along telling him she'll help. So, by the end of the episode, the colt joined up and we got to see Amy with both Spartan and the new colt by her side. (Miracle), Amy and Ty are happy with there plan, they manage to get Caleb to go to Maggie's which means he'll bump into Ashley. She sees Ty's Norton and gets excited, she tells him her brother has one and has some parts he could use. They go to work at the Bailey farm and help when Kit's mare has a stillborn and try to help her bond with Merlin an orphaned foal whom she rejects. (The Haunting of Hanley Barn), Ty goes to work with Scott, he tells him he's been accepted to two colleges and hasn't told Amy yet, although receives teasing about one of his choices. And we didnt have to wait long for Georgie to kiss Quinn in answer to his plea of her just having to give him one reason to say. Ty supports her decision fully, though is sad for the months they will spend apart. Mitch want his own ranch and Lou will never leave Heartland. Once all of the votes were counted it was official, Lou Fleming was the new Mayor of Hudson. He defends his old one but she's adamant he should accept the new one. At first Ty tries to impress Tim after he learns he was a rodeo star. Ty comes clean and tells him that he and Amy were just trying to get him out of the Loft and apologises. She tells him that she's overwhelmed by the emails she's received. Male They stumble upon Amy and Ashley's crash and he and Kit help them out. Amy's later in the barn at night, when the cougar appears, she calls to Ty who runs down, grabs a pitchfork and manages to scare it off. (The Fix), It's Ty's last day at Heartland before heading to university, he doesn't want to make it a big deal whereas Amy wants to do something big. (The Best Laid Plans) Ty isn't happy when Carl has to share the loft while he's there. Ty convinces her to give it a try with Spartan. The next day, Ty's out and drives past a motorcycle for sale and stops to check it out. She then takes him out and loses him and finds him grazing on a recently sprayed road. Later that night, Ty's sitting by the fire when he hears a wolf growl and some noises coming through the trees. On the Cattle drive, they finally have a chance to sit and talk about everything. He picks up Jack's shotgun in a panic and points it at the noise, he's stunned when Jack emerges. The next morning, Scott checks Spartan out and tells them they did the right thing and Spartan should be OK. She tells him that she spoke to Amy who said there was nothing happening between her and Ty, and they kiss. And the fact that Luke left and Remi got hurt didnt help her state of mind. After Blair helps Amy in an accident, Blair kisses Ty and tells her that she thinks she is in love with him. Amy and Ty share their delirious happiness with their new relationship. Scott does final checks on the plane and the pair fly out. This meant that despite getting shot himself, Ty actually saved his wifes life. He tells her that his dad was in and out of prison while he was growing up, but he would teach him magic tricks which he enjoyed. Jack arrives and tells them that Mallory was coping sort of, so they rush back. Ty is forced to confront his painful past when a mystery package arrives that leads to new insight. When Amy learns more about mark she shows Ty the article about mark and the accident with his brother at Sheep River. Amy and Ty don't get off to the best of starts, she tells him off for driving to close to the horses. Amy travels to Mongolia to join Ty, but finds that Ty's life is in danger when she arrives. After all, it was the episode in which we finally found out whether she became the new Mayor of Hudson or not. Meanwhile, Tim and Miranda realize they have to take their son's wishes into consideration, so they decide to spend some quality time together with surprising results. When Kit comes by to pick up Daisy she sees Amy riding her. When she asks why he came he tells her that he needed to talk to her and it couldn't wait. Heartland 2007 | Maturity Rating: TV-14 | 14 Seasons | Family Watch Together TV Spunky teenager Amy is reeling from the sudden death of her mother when she and her grandfather are threatened with the loss of their horse ranch. He guesses it's Wade and tells her she can go and be with him if she wants but she tells him she's choosing Ty. The season begins with Ty and Amy happily engaged, Amy continuing what her mother started, and Ty studying to become a veterinarian. Ty goes to the Dude Ranch and finds Lou and Peter asking to continue his lessons. Lou, surprisingly, despite her scholastic and entrepreneurial achievements, doesnt behave like a 38 year old and a Mother of 2 young girls. They discuss buying a ranch nearby together, but it eventually sells. Ty tells her he is, she goes on to ask when he's going to break up with Kit which he doesn't justify with an answer. The horses start to get spooked and as they go in to release them Ty spots something in the hay, he goes to grab it and Brent jumps out and the pair fight. Amy is shocked and reminds him that he's saved his money for a motorcycle but he wins the bid and buys Harley. He goes back to Heartland to pick up his helmet that Mallory gave him and Amy tells him to stay. Caleb stays in the limo with Amy, forgetting his own wedding with Cassandra. When Jack ends up back in hospital he tries to comfort Amy when she gets upset about what might happen. He takes Spartan out to the pen to exercise him when Caleb tries to ask about him and Amy. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/CBCSubscri. Scott receives a call about a wild horse in B.C. When Jack hears Ty fire up the truck he rushes out and says he'll take it for a spin to help the battery, Ty tells him the battery's fine it's everything else under the hood. When they hear a nearby explosion he, Amy and Mallory go looking and find Bedford Oil testing their land and that they've broken their fence. When Ty's preparing to leave for university he finally admits to Val that he is going to miss him when he leaves. he tells her it's because he's worried about school. Ty takes a job at Briar Ridge and works in the stables, mostly mucking out. Ty finds Badger smoking by the barn and tells him to stop, when he flicks the butt at him Ty grabs him up against the door Amy has to break them up. (After the Storm), Ty goes to Briar Ridge to help Jack collect the net for the open house. That evening, Ty's doing more research but Jack tries to justify his actions as he acted with the best interest of the animal so shouldn't blame himself. After Ty's mum, Lily, shows up it's clear that Jack sees Ty as a part of the family and tries his best to help and support him. relationship is over. She admits that she was happy to bump into him since he didn't call her after the rodeo. 17 (Season 1)18 (Season 2)19 (Season 3)20 (Season 4)21 (Season 5)22 (Season 6)23 (Season 7)24 (Season 8)25 (Season 9)26 (Season 10)27 (Season 11)28 (Season 12)29 (Season 13) Lastly, when we talk about Heartland season 13 episode 10 we cant forget to mention how the storyline between Georgie and Quinn ended. He's adamant it's not and says they should be friends. "(The Starting Gate), Ty tells Wade to leave but he refuses, he tells them he wants to leave the past behind and talk to Lily. Jack tells him that he isn't happy that they have become friends, but tells him he can keep the hat because he earned it.