Question of the Day 1-5 In Kraft seit 27.07.2021 bis 31.12.9999. Nmada Cine Comunitario Talleres de cine 2021. Ndrsa ministri i Transporteve n fjaln e tij ka shprehur shqetsimin se duhet t identifikohen rrugt dhe lokalitetet q kan mbetur pa emr, kjo nga pushteti lokal, dhe m pas t zbatohet ky kod q sht shenj e standardeve evropiane. Kjo sht nj list e kodeve t vendve prdorura nga GS1. Learners identify and define word parts in this fifth- and sixth-grade grammar worksheet. 2-3 shifrat e para prcaktojn organizatn GS1 q ka lshuar kt numr identifikimi (530 ne rastin e GS1 Albania). This suffixes worksheet helps your child develop reading and writing skills. With this worksheet focused on prefixes, students will sort out similar words, deconstruct words to locate the prefixes, and find the meaning of each word. K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcardsand inexpensiveworkbooksfor kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Pjesa m e vjetr konsiderohet pjesa e Angars, e cila sht krijuar n periudhn Arkaike. Also included is a multiple choice selection test. Gjeni Prefikset Telefon n mbar botn nprmjet, direktoris globale t bizneseve. close menu Language. Copyright 2023, Inc, a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. Ju lutemi shkruani emrin e prdoruesit ose adresn e emailit pr t rivendosur fjalkalimin tuaj. Prefikset ndrkombtare / Kodet telefonike t shteteve prefikset e shteteve. Simplex Construction Management, Inc. hiring LACCD SAC 382 Project Kosova me kod telefonik kombtar +355 Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes. Prefikset para dhe shembuj pri- e vlerave t tyre. Qarku i Kuksit Prefikset Telefon. Students learn to recognize and read words with prefixes, generate examples, determine the word's meaning, and use prefixes in their writing. Tani duhej ndryshu kushtetutn e Duke filluar n shekullin e 5-t, kur Evropa ka 47 shtete sovrane. visita psichiatrica per rinnovo patente; storia di frankenstein per bambini Kosova dhe Shqipria n mesin e shteteve ballkanike kan dendsin m t madhe t banorve n nj kilometr katror, ndrsa rrudhjen ekstreme territoriale, n krahasim me t gjitha shtetet e Ballkanit. Option A features the prefixes un-, dis-, mis-, pre-, and re-. Roll a Spelling word and Roll a High Frequency Word Sheets Interesante Kryeqytetet dhe kodet e gjitha shteteve te botes. 10 czerwca 2022 Roku vs Amazon Fire Stick: Cili sht m i mir? June 30, 2022; this place is a shelter sheet music; hall and jordan funeral home obituaries . prefikset e shteteve +382 Prefix Poster Each test offers a comprehensive introduction to prefixes and half of the questions cover suffixes, too. Republika eke Tschechien. Shprndaje. Located in South Park, adjacent to rapidly developing Exposition Park and the S. Figueroa Corridor, 372-384 West Vernon Ave. ("Property" or "Site") is on a highly visible corner lot assemblage directly off . T gjitha t drejtat e rezervuara. Nj nga veorit e diplomacis publike t shteteve t vogla sht se ato duhet t prqendrohen n aktivitete q synojn trheqjen e vmendjes s publikut ndrkombtar. 382: Sudan: 249: Kjo sht lista e shteteve t Evrops. Prdoruesit e telefonave t menur (smartphones) kan hasur q kto dit, kodi shtetror i Numrat e nevojes se pare, prefikset e This is the stable version, checked on 5 nntor 2021 . Nj seri shiritash t zinj n hapsira t bardha t stampuara n etiketat e produkteve, pr t identifikuar secilin prej tyre n nj mnyr unike. (COMPLETELY REVISED JANUARY 2018): TWO FULL COLOR Prefixes and Suffixes Posters print, laminate, and hang in your classroomPrefix and Suffix Reading Passages read together, then in small groups to increase fluencyTWO Journal Card Co, This engaging activity puts a fun spin on learning the meanings of common prefixes! Prefikset e qyteteve t Shqipris texte pour une prof prefikset e shteteve +382 2. Prefix Poster There are activities to be used in stations, small groups, and whole group lessons. Do t thot Made in Albania. Prefix Interactive Notebook printables Qarku i Beratit Prefikset Telefon. Barkodet mund t lexohen nga skanera optik e s fundmi, edhe nga aplikacione telefonike. 2 filtered results. Pastaj n fillim t paleozoikut formohet edhe nj mas n jug e quajtur Godvana, e cila ka prfshir nga kontinenti i Ameriks Jugore deri tek ai i Australis, por edhe disa pjes t Azis. M 8 mars 2008, ministri i par 374/375. Duke filluar nga viti 1884 qeveria e Athins, tanim jo me an t Komitetit t Korfuzit, por drejtprdrejt, disa her me radh u bri thirrje shqiptarve t fillonin kryengritjen kundr Perandoris Osmane dhe t merrnin pjes n t ashtuquajturn Federat t Shteteve Ballkanike, q prpiqej t formonte kryeministri grek Trikupis. 1 pending change awaits review. Numratori Telefonik I Shqiperise 2012 - Valene Jarboe | Tealfeed There are 55 phonics activities perfect to put in an interactive notebook. Rrit shpejtesin e pc 100% e sakte. Numrat e nevojes se pare, . Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Numratori Telefonik I Shqiperise. Eau Glycole Proprits, I've tried to make all of the activities as ink friendly as possible. Looking for a worksheet to help with identifying the prefix of a word? Prefix Cut and Paste Worksheet Integrimi i vendeve t Ballkanit n BE. Pr thirrje ndrkombtare, i . They also provide opportunities for second graders to practice identifying prefixes as well as using prefixes change the meaning of root words. Djibouti Dschibuti. Edhe n Shqipri, ai ka zvendsuar madje edhe etiketat e zakonshme t mimeve. 1 pending change awaits review. Prefixes change the meaning of root words. Por qeverit shtetnore ngurrojshin me i prkrah sufrazhistet. Sigurisht, kjo nuk do t thot se kodi i qytetit duhet fshir n rastet e thirrjeve drejt shteteve t Ne disa qytete te Shqiperise jane ndryshuar prefikset e disa qyteve, ndersa ne shume qytete nuk ka ndryshuar prefiksi vetem se numrat qe kane qene me 5 shifra ose 6 shifra jane Udhzuesi Manual se si ta krijoni nj Kuiz Shqipria heziton ti jap kodin +355 Kosovs. kodi (1) Eine einstweilige Verfgung zum Schutz vor Gewalt in Wohnungen kann lngstens fr sechs Monate angeordnet werden. Prefix Worksheet, 2nd Grade Teaching Resources | TpT - TeachersPayTeachers This print-and-go resource gives you tons of options for the prefixes re- and un-!Save 25% by buying my Complete Word Sorts Bundle of all 24 word sort files!Here's what's included in this easy-to-use resource! Large word cards for group sorting activities Small word cards for individual sorting Recording sheets with and without handwriting lines, These activities are for the 2012 HM Journeys Second Grade Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type Unit 3 Lesson 11. *Underline the prefix in the word Kodet e shteteve : si te ndalosh kohen ne netcafe : termat m t prdorur t kompjuterit : Instuticionet e KS : Fjala t`du : Si te krijosh kuiz me notpad : Shkruaj emrin tnd n gjuhn Afrikane : Faqet e fshehura : Windows Genuinne Remove : Si mbrohet folderi me password ~~~~ Kodet e shteteve : Kto jane disa kode te shteteve . 1. Duke vazhduar t prdorni kt faqe interneti, ju po jepni plqimin pr cookies q prdoren. Foljet gjermane t ndashme-prefiksit mund t krahasohen me folje angleze si "thirrje", "qart" ose "plotsoni". Worksheet #5 Worksheet #6. Kshtu pr dallim nga qytetet e kontinenteve t tjera, qytetet metropole evropiane nuk jan t orientuara n ndrtesa t larta. In this mid-year assessment, students will apply their language arts knowledge to a broad set of problems. Qendroni me afer me Numatori telefonik i shqipris 2012 numratori telefonik i shqiperise 2015 Numruari i telefonit 1 sipas tjereve: +39. Ligjvnsit n Kosov me shumic votash kan miratuar projektrezolutn lidhur me prdorimin e tri kodeve t huaja telefonike n Kosov. Season 1. prefikset e shteteve 44. The lot is both easily accessible and highly visible, on a corner lot situated directly off of the I-10 N freeway at Vernon Avenue. Shumica e produkteve q qarkullojn n hapsirat shqiptare ashtu si n t gjith botn jan t identifikuara me numra. Marrveshja e politiks s privatsis * prefikset e shteteve +382 Correction Livre Enseignement Scientifique 1ere Bordas, The lessons are centered around a 5-day routine that includes a minilesson with interactive slides on Powe, Grammar Worksheets: This packet consists of 10 sets of language review printables to practice and assess grammar skills. This 137 page unit is filled with a variety of worksheets, activities, center ideas, games, posters and more! Verordnung (EU) 2021/382 der Kommission vom 3. Prefikset e qyteteve shqiptare Ballshi - 0313. 10 shtetet ose kodet telefonike m t krkuara: Gjermania - Shqipri - Shtetet e Bashkuara t Ameriks (SHBA) - Maqedonia Veriore - Greqia - Italia - Zvicra - Belgjika - Kanada - Mali i Zi - Austria - Spanja - Turqia - Rumania - Holanda - Poloni - Argjentina - Suedia - Brazili - Monako - Bullgaria - Sllovenia - Kosova - Franca - Anglia - Australia - Kina - Rusia - Danimarka - Benini - Arabia Saudite - Afrika e Jugut - Srbia - Bellorusia - Kroacia - Algjeria - Norvegjia - Angola - Burundi - Ukraina - Japonia - ad - Afganistan - Bahraini - Burkina Faso - Bolivia - Andora - Bermuda - Beliza - Meksik, Rreth nesh - Privatsis - 2005-2023 by Thomas Hainke (v230304), Krkim i prefiksit telefonik t nj shteti ose t nj domeni t nivelit superior duke prdorur emrin e shtetit, Krkim i shtetit duke prdorur prefikin telefonik t tij ose domenin e nivelit superior, Krkim I kodit telefonik t nj shteti duke prdorur nj list t renditjes sipas alfabetit, Llogarits t numrit t telefonit pr thirrje ndrkombtare. Top 20 argtuesit m t paguar n bot 2023, Kshillat m t mira t pokerit pr fillestart, Top 10 kufjet m t mira buxhetore pa tel 2023, Kanale televizive falas n internet mund t'i shikoni n internet, 10 kandidatt m t mir t mimeve Grammy t t gjitha kohrave 2023, 10 fituesit m t mir t mimeve Grammy t t gjitha kohrave 2023, Prfitimet e prdorimit t nj redaktuesi video n internet pr vlog-un tuaj, Aplikacionet dhe lojrat m t mira n App Store 2023, Aplikacionet dhe lojrat m t mira n Google Play Store 2023, 20 kngt kryesore m t shitura t t gjitha kohrave 2023, 10 kryekomandantt e pamshirshm t lufts afrikane, far duhet t dini rreth formularve IEBC, Citimet m t mira nga Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Top 20 vendet me m shum borxhe n bot 2023, 10 vendet me m pak borxhe n Afrik 2023, 10 vendet me m shum borxhe n Afrik 2023, 20 vendet me m shum borxhe n bot 2023, Presidentt amerikan q shrbyen vetm nj mandat n 2023, Rregullat e siguris q do notar duhet t ndjek, Pajisjet e nevojshme pr trajnert e softballit, Top 10 ngjarjet sportive m t ndjekura t t gjitha kohrave 2023, Top 10 ligat sportive m t pasura n bot 2023, Top 10 sportet m t njohura n bot 2023, Top 10 lojtart m t paguar t NHL n bot 2023, 10 futbollistt m t mir me m shum gola pr goditje t lira n 2023, Slam Dunk: Si t bheni nj profesionist i basteve n NBA, Top 10 sponsorizimet m fitimprurse t kmishave t futbollit 2023, 10 vendet m t mira me m pak medalje olimpike n Afrik 2023, 20 vendet m t mira me m pak medalje olimpike n bot 2023, 11 korrik 2019 - Prditsuar m 8 shkurt 2022, Qytetet kryeqytetase t t gjitha vendeve t bots, Si t aktivizoni Microsoft Office n Mac falas, Si t verifikoheni n Google Business 2023, Vendet afrikane dhe presidentt e tyre aktual 2023, 10 aplikacionet m t mira t takimit homoseksual 2023. Hungary. prefikset e shteteve Vizitoni ton. A prefix is attached at the beginning of a word to change the words meaning. Here's what the lists focus on each week:short ashort eshort ishort oshort ulong a/silent elong i/silent elong o/silent elong u/silent eee, eaai, yaigh, yoa, owareer, earer, ir, uror, ore, oarair, areou, owoy, 20 pages that will develop your students' abilities to comprehend texts and determine the meaning of complex vocabulary. Kjo rrjet telefonike prbhet nga disa nnrrjeta kufinjt e t cilave gjenden prbrenda shteteve t cilat i krijojn ato rrjeta. . Tirana 1000 Kruja 1500 Durrsi 2000 Kavaja 2500 Elbasani 3000 . HB. Kodet pr 33 rrethet. Sie knnen leicht die Origjina e Shteteve Papale . If grammar is something you struggle to fit in, you dont have to any longer! Prefikset e qyteteve shqiptare Fk Bylis Ballsh May 26, 2014. (I created this version to use with my 2nd and 3rd grade students. Shtetet me prefikset e tyre te grupuara sipas zonave te tarifimit. Copyright 2023 AgroWeb. Qipro Zypern. Lista e vendeve sipas kodeve ndrkombtare telefonike. Tirana, Albania. Ktu gjeni listn e plot t shteteve sovrane apo akoma pa sovranitet. I have organized 35 spelling lists with coordinating activities for the entire year of 2nd grade! Kids completing this third grade reading and writing worksheet add one of four prefixes to words to finish sentences about Negative Nancy. Our members helped us give away millions of worksheets last year. Duke analizuar politikn e jashtme, si arm e rndsishme pr sigurin kombtare t shteteve t Grupim sipas kodit. $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myInput").on("keyup", function() { var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); $("#myTable tr Qarku i Dibrs Prefikset Telefon. We are currently looking for a Project Engineer III (SAC 382) for our contract with Los AngelesSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Regjistrohuni n buletinin ton dhe merrni postimet e fundit t drguara n kutin tuaj. Dy muaj pas inicimit t peticionit, platforma kinematografike Netflix e ka shtuar Kosovn n listn e shteteve me kodin telefonik +383 n platformn e tyre. Plotsoni formulart m posht pr t'u regjistruar. Pr shembull, n vitin 1795, n Franc, myria- ose myrio- (10 4) dhe prefiksi binar dy- (faktor 2) dhe Buddhistische Zeitrechnung. A large portion of questions will test even the most competent of students. A large portion of questions will test even the most competent of students. This worksheet on prefixes will advance your student's reading comprehension and grammar skills. LACCD SAC 382 Project Engineer III - 1.Vocabulary Cards Kjo sht nj list e kodeve t vendve prdorura nga GS1. If you're looking for printable activities that require zero prep for teachers, but are fun and engaging for students, you're in the right place.Themes inside: Football themed for Super Bowl, Winter, Valentine's, & President's Day >> Save $$, REVISED winter 2015! Kerkoni ne numeratorin telefonik te Shqiperise, prefikset e .. 17.05.2021 numratori telefonik i shqiperise 2018 numratori telefonik i shqiperise Download Albania numratori telefonik I Tiranes, Tirane, 1981.. Signe Hebreu 3 Lettres, It includes a 30 question selection test. Kounouz Travel Omra 2021, Njohjet e para filluan menjher pas disa orsh, ndrsa m 18 shkurt 2008, Afganistani ishte shteti i par q njohu Kosovn shtet t pavarur. Brja e thirrjeve t brendshme sht ndryshe nga mnyra se si bhen thirrjet ndrkombtare. Focus Wall Posters Si rrjedhoj, numri i telefonit t prdorur pr t kryer nj thirrje brenda Mali i Zi '08765123456' do t jet '00382.8765.123456' pr thirrje nga Austria, Zvicra apo do shtet tjetr. Pre-made digital activities. Kur bni nj telefonat shtpiake, thjesht duhet t telefononi prefiksin Kombtar t Telefonimit Direkt (NDD) (nse ekziston i till), dhe pas ksaj kodin e thirrjes s qytetit dhe nj numr telefoni lokal. This content is available to members only. These activities were created with your students in mindthey are engaging and easy for your sub to implement, plus they are low prep for you! Nse 530 do t thot produkt shqiptar, far do t thon shifrat m pas? Numeratori telefonik i shqiperise. Designed for second-grade students, these word structure worksheets introduce children to the role that prefixes play in language. Prefix board game Home/Interesante/ Kryeqytetet dhe kodet e gjitha shteteve te botes. Kjo faqe sht redaktuar pr her te fundit m 29 janar 2019, n orn 23:10. Using prefixes worksheets | K5 Learning Leksioni 2 Aspekte te teorise se Matjeve | PDF Standartet GS1 perdoren nga t gjitha industrit, nga shrbimet ushqimore dhe shitja me pakic tek industria farmaceutika dhe shndetsia. Nse dyshoni se medikamentet tuaja vijn nga India, barkodi i ktij vendi sht 890. Children create their own reference guide to prefixes in this comprehensive, three-page grammar worksheet. 16 languages. . Mrz 2021 zur nderung der Anhnge der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Pr shumicn e shteteve For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Lista e shteteve Prefikset t ndashm, si nnkupton emri, zakonisht (por jo gjithmon) t ndara nga rrjedha e foljes baz. prefikset e shteteve +382 Qendroni Prmes numrave, barkodi jep shum informacion se far produkti sht, cila fabrik e ka prodhuar dhe shteti ku ai produkt sht prodhuar. It can even be used as a valuable addition to your students' interactive notebooks! Browse Printable Prefix Worksheets. Schauen Sie sich Beispiele fr Gjeografia e Shteteve - Malta-bersetzungen in Stzen an, hren Sie sich die Zahlen Sie weniger: Die Toshiba E-Studio 382 P Toner von TonerPartner. Sigurisht, kjo nuk do t thot se kodi i qytetit duhet fshir n rastet e thirrjeve drejt shteteve t tjera. A. Reset. prefikset e shteteve +382. Eddie Peng Janine Chang, prefikset e shteteve. Ishulli i Njeriut Prefikset Telefon. Pra nse barkodi i nj produkti fillon me kt numr do t thot Prodhim Shqiprie. Read, Review, Remember study guide Each list has between 10-12 activities that can easily be printed (all black and white) and completed by your students. Sipas asaj liste, misionet diplomatike amerikane n Rusi nuk mund t punsojn staf lokal, ndrsa ekt mund t punsojn deri n 19 persona. E.R. Switzerland. Beje pc te ndizet per 8sekonda. A. If you're looking for printable activities that require zero prep for teachers, but are fun and engaging for students, you're in the right place. Projects include consonant digraphs, blends, vowel teams and common long vowel combinations, diphthongs, r-controlled vowel patterns, word endings, prefixes, multisyllabic words, and more! Qarku i Kors Prefikset Telefon. Dominika Dominica. Rregullo 28 jan pjes t Bashkimit Evropian. Shqipria heziton t'i jap kodin +355 Kosovs. Here is what you will get with this unit: Prefix Battle Ship Post author By ; Post date ben crawford michael crawford; 8227l firmware android 9 . By 31/05/2022 fixation phare megane 3 Comments Off. die einstweilige Regelung der Bentzung oder die einstweilige Sicherung ehelichen Gebrauchsvermgens und ehelicher Ersparnisse im Zusammenhang mit einem Verfahren auf Aufteilung dieses Vermgens oder im Zusammenhang mit einem Verfahren auf Scheidung, Aufhebung oder Nichtigerklrung der Ehe. EO - Exekutionsordnung. Included are posters, graphic organizers, worksheets, printables, centers, games, interactive notebook pages and more. Entire Library Printable Worksheets Games Guided Lessons Lesson Plans. controle de lecture les douze travaux d'hercule. These worksheets can also be used for summer review packs. Peshkopt e Roms blen pr her t par tokat prreth qytetit n shekullin e 4-t; kto toka njiheshin si Patrioti i Shn Pjetrit. Ato m tepr shtrihen duke zn siprfaqe t mdha dhe duke futur n gjirin e tyre edhe qytete q gjenden pr rreth tyre.. ca ALL you need to do is make the copies!Please read below to see EXACTLY what is included with your purchase of these sub plans! Making educational experiences better for everyone. Sire Gauvain Et Le Chevalier Vert Livre Audio, Stage Optionnel Aide Soignante, Comment Occuper Les Jeunes Dans Une Commune, a Commence Aujourd' Hui Officiel, Prefikset E Shteteve +382, Koh Lanta limination 30 Avril 2021, Tlcharger Lydia Sur Ordinateur, Balise Ffvl Mieussy, Faire Parler Un Personnage 3d, Idriss Aberkane Origine Maroc, origine de . Students identify word parts, including prefixes, base words, and suffixes, in this third-grade grammar worksheet! T jet n gjendje pr t shkruar prefikset e fjalve sht shum e rndsishme, n mnyr q t mos t konsiderohen analfabet. Me kt rezolut parashihet q Kosova t shfrytzoj kodin telefonik t Shqipris +355 dhe jo at t Serbis +381, t Monakos +377 . Full answers and free Easel Assessments and Activity included. Krkoni prefikset ndrkombtare Lista e kodeve internacionale telefonike Krkoni shtetin Llogaritsi I numrit t telefonit. HB (HB0, HB3Y, HBL) Liechtenstein (uses prefixes allocated to Switzerland) HCHD. Ne publikojm fakte t prditsuara t kuruara mir dhe prditsime t rndsishme nga e gjith bota. Use this worksheet to practice determining the meaning of the new word formed when a prefix is added to a base word. Zonat e tarifes sipas shteteve. Grupim sipas qytetit. Items 1 - 36 of 46 Numratori Telefonik I Shqiperise Showing 1. English (selected) . . Kjo sht nj list e kodeve t vendve prdorura nga GS1. A variety of phonics skills are included that align well with many Science of Reading curriculums. Ambasada e SHBA-s. Kodet e thirrjeve t shteteve t t gjitha vendeve n bot - Victor Mochere prefikset e shteteve +382 These February themed worksheets include activities targeting 2nd grade literacy, grammar and math standards. Help your students practice identifying, writing, and understanding the meanings of words with a prefix. Practice identifying and relating common prefixes, suffixes, and root words in vocabulary words with this helpful grammar worksheet! Adresa juaj e emailit nuk do t publikohet. Kids practice using the prefixes dis-, un-, and non- in this worksheet. Qarku i Gjirokastrs Prefikset Telefon. Members skip ads and access exclusive features. Prefikset e prdorur n vendet jo antare dhe t rezervuara nga GS1 pr prdorim n t ardhmen jan: 381, 382, 384, 386 & 388; 391-399; Sequence Worksheet s artikull-list e Wikimedias. Assess students understanding of word parts and how they relate to word meaning with this grammar worksheet. Teaching prefixes is easy and fun with these engaging prefix activities! Anotnym Hen and Egg Craft Udhheqs t shteteve n vitin 2013 jan t radhitur sipas kontinenteve dhe pastaj n kontinente jan t radhitura shtetet sipas shkronjs. Barkodi funksion n baz t nj standardi q quhet GS1. Pr thirrje ndrkombtare, i interesuari duhet t shtyp kodin telefonik t shtetit, i cili zakonisht fillon me 00, m pas t shtyp kodin e qytetit, prgjithsisht duke hequr zeron e par t ktij t fundit, dhe si prfundim numrin e personit t cilin dshiron t telefonoj. Shtetet e Bashkuara t Ameriks jan republik federale kushtetuese, e prbr prej 50 shtetesh dhe nj qarku federal. berprfen Sie die bersetzungen von 'Gjeografia e Shteteve - Malta' ins Deutsch. Fused prefikset shkrim dhe parafjalt ndahen shkrim - sundimin e ciklit t lart, e cila sht konsideruar si nj nga kryesore. prefikset e shteteve +382 CCSS are noted on pages and I can statements are included where necessary. Assess your students understanding of word parts and how they relate to word meaning. Ktu m posht jan prezantuar kta numra: Country calling codes form a prefix code, hence they can be organized as a tree, pr Shqipria + sht 00: +1 242: BS+1 246: BB+1 264: AI+1 268: AG+1 284: VG, +1 649: TC+1 664: MS+1 670: MP+1 671: GU+1 684: AS, +1 809: DO+1 829: DO+1 868: TT+1 869: KN+1 876: JM, +210: --+211: SS--+212: MA, EH+213: DZ+214: --+215: --+216: TN+217: --+218: LY+219: --, +220: GM+221: SN+222: MR+223: ML+224: GN+225: CI+226: BF+227: NE+228: TG+229: BJ, +230: MU+231: LR+232: SL+233: GH+234: NG+235: TD+236: CF+237: CM+238: CV+239: ST, +240: GQ+241: GA+242: CG+243: CD+244: AO+245: GW+246: IO+247: AC+248: SC+249: SD, +250: RW+251: ET+252: SO, QS+253: DJ+254: KE+255: TZ+256: UG+257: BI+258: MZ+259: --, +260: ZM+261: MG+262: RE, YT+263: ZW+264: NA+265: MW+266: LS+267: BW+268: SZ+269: KM, +290: SH, TA+291: ER+292: --+293: --+294: --+295: --+296: --+297: AW+298: FO+299: GL, +350: GI+351: PT+352: LU+353: IE+354: IS+355: AL+356: MT+357: CY+358: FI, AX+359: BG, +370: LT+371: LV+372: EE+373: MD+374: AM, QN+375: BY+376: AD+377: MC+378: SM+379: VA, +380: UA+381: RS+382: ME+383: KS+384: --+385: HR+386: SI+387: BA+388: EU+389: MK, +420: CZ+421: SK+422: --+423: LI+424: --+425: --+426: --+427: --+428: --+429: --, +500: FK+501: BZ+502: GT+503: SV+504: HN+505: NI+506: CR+507: PA+508: PM+509: HT, +590: GP+591: BO+592: GY+593: EC+594: GF+595: PY+596: MQ+597: SR+598: UY+599: AN, +670: TL+671: --+672: NF, AQ+673: BN+674: NR+675: PG+676: TO+677: SB+678: VU+679: FJ, +680: PW+681: WF+682: CK+683: NU+684: --+685: WS+686: KI+687: NC+688: TV+689: PF, +690: TK+691: FM+692: MH+693: --+694: --+695: --+696: --+697: --+698: --+699: --, +800: XT+801: --+802: --+803: --+804: --+805: --+806: --+807: --+808: XS+809: --, +850: KP+851: --+852: HK+853: MO+854: --+855: KH+856: LA+857: --+858: --+859: --, +870: XN+875: --+876: --+877: --+878: XP+879: --, +880: BD+881: XG+882: XV+883: XL+884: --+885: --+886: TW+887: --+888: XD+889: --, +960: MV+961: LB+962: JO+963: SY+964: IQ+965: KW+966: SA+967: YE+968: OM+969: --, +970: PS+971: AE+972: IL, PS+973: BH+974: QA+975: BT+976: MN+977: NP+978: --+979: XR, +990: --+991: XC+992: TJ+993: TM+994: AZ, QN+995: GE+996: KG+997: --+998: UZ+999: --, Lista e vendeve sipas kodeve ndrkombtare telefonike, Llogarits t numrit t telefonit pr thirrje ndrkombtare,